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Fact sheet

​The following is a list of additional facts that may be useful for your reference...

  • HEA`s Hour of love was originally going to be an in-person event

  • Hour of love has been now switched to a digital platform

  • You will change some animal`s life by spending time with them virtually

  • All you need to do is spend some of your time advocating for this animal and post videos/pictures of them

  • You can still participate while social distancing

  • Event is in May which is known as “National Pet Month”

  • Raising money for the organization to help save more animals lives!

  • The Dick and Sharon Resch will match the first $30,000 donated

  • You will help find these animals find a home!

  • The event was a big success last year and it is expected to have a good “Digital” turnout as well.

  • HEA (Happily Ever After) is a no kill animal shelter in Green Bay and Marion (animal sanctuary).


Happily ever After animal sanctuary(HEA)

Prepared by: Ryan M. Rickard, Communications Management

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