Fact sheet
​The following is a list of additional facts that may be useful for your reference...
HEA`s Hour of love was originally going to be an in-person event
Hour of love has been now switched to a digital platform
You will change some animal`s life by spending time with them virtually
All you need to do is spend some of your time advocating for this animal and post videos/pictures of them
You can still participate while social distancing
Event is in May which is known as “National Pet Month”
Raising money for the organization to help save more animals lives!
The Dick and Sharon Resch will match the first $30,000 donated
You will help find these animals find a home!
The event was a big success last year and it is expected to have a good “Digital” turnout as well.
HEA (Happily Ever After) is a no kill animal shelter in Green Bay and Marion (animal sanctuary).