News release
Happily Ever After – Animal Sanctuary
2255 Fox Heights Ln, Green Bay, WI 54304
Contact: Marcus Reitz (Branding and Development)
Phone: (920) 634-9701
Email: https://www.heanokill.org/contact/email-us/
Web: https://www.heanokill.org/
Happily Ever After – Animal Sanctuary hosts “Hour of Love” Pet Experience
Green Bay, Wisconsin. (April 12, 2020) – An exciting and heartfelt volunteer experience for animal lovers of all ages.
Happily Ever After – Animal Sanctuary is hosting their second annual “Hour of Love” event on May 1st and 2nd, 2020 via their website using video conferencing. The event is an engaging volunteer experience that allows participants to interact with dogs and cats through an online video chat while raising awareness for animal welfare.
Participants are asked to sign up online for one hour-long, in-person shifts to give love to the animals in care while contacting friends and family about donating. Individuals as well as groups such as families and co-workers are all encouraged to sign up and participate. The live stream will be available between 12:00am on May 1st through 11:30pm on May 2nd.
Volunteers are warmly inspired to find donors by sharing photographs and testimonials of their experiences with the animals via text message, email, phone call, video chat, or social media. Anyone interested in joining this fun event can sign up online at heanokill.org.
The “Hour of Love” event will be taking place at Happily Ever After – Animal Sanctuary’s website at heanokill.org. This event was held in person last year but due to concerns over social distancing trends the event will now be held over the live stream.
Thanks to a very generous gift by Dick & Sharon Resch, the first $30,000 raised will be matched dollar-for-dollar.
Direct donations for Happily Ever After and animal welfare awareness can be made via the Happily Ever After Website at heanokill.org or at the Green Bay facility located at 2255 Fox Heights Ln, Green Bay, WI 54304.
Founded in 2006, Happily Ever After – Animal Sanctuary has successfully saved and changed the lives of thousands of companion animals and people. HEA provides a loving home to every companion animal that enters care. Lifetime possibilities guaranteed for every single one. Efforts have been possible through the dedication, commitment and passion of our volunteers, adopters, donors and community members.